• 1333m a.sl.
  • 1200 mm/year
  • av. 23°C
  • 1°12'04.7"N 76°44'41.5"W
  • This site is situated next to the Tortues river inside a deep valley alongside the walk San Franci sco-Mocoa. Looking at the size of the stone, this river can grow a lot in rainy season. It's also surrounded by a thick jungle and is dificult to access.

    View of the Tortues river.

    View from the river.

    Going up to reach the small plateau of the tampu.

    View of the path sourrounded by thick jungle.

    Planting steps

    The process of construction is made step by step, for a growing tampu. Some materials are planted at the begining, like the Iraca used for the traditional leave roofs. This palm takes only five years to grow.
    1. First preparing the ground. This means clearing the plot from bushed and reed and burn them to enrich the soil.
    2. Planting and taking care of the chagra, including the iraca palm.

    Step 1 - Build the tulpa space

  • 1.1 The camp starts with the 3 stones of the tulpa, where people from both site can regroup and exchange stories and knowledge while being protected from the cold.The size of each group can vary, but the camp is planned to host between 15 and 20 people, as it’s the number of which can share a same fire.
  • 1.2. A wooden structure is built with wood from the site around the tulpa, using bombona and chonta dura.
  • 1.3. The structure is temporarly covered with industrial plastic sheets.
  • 1.4. The iraca (palm) for the roofs are planted in the site.
  • Transversal section

    View of the firt roof and the tulpa.

    Step 2 - First Iraca roof

  • 2.1. In the second step, the rudimental camp developp itself into a proper tampu around the tulpa.
  • 2.2. The plastic roof is replaced with a leave roof, using iraca growns on the site and bamboo sticks to hold it.
  • 2.3.The industrial plastic covering the first roof is now used for the second one.
  • 2.4. A bridge is also built to facilitate the crossing of the Tortues river.
  • 2.5.With this new construction, the chagra can be planted and taken care of collectively. The chagra is there to provide food, and also to plant building material for further development of the tampu.
  • Transversal section

    View of the bridge, covered by an iraca roof.

    Step 3 - Three iraca roofs

  • 3.1. After a few years of growth, the iraca leaves are ready to be harvested and use to replace the roof of the second roof.
  • 3.2. Also, a zinc roof is built to protect the path next to the tampu.
  • Transversal section

    Detail and material specifications, 1:50.

    View from the bridge, looking at the 3 roofs.