Ancestral Paths

Ruku Nambi Colon - Aponte (Ancestral path)
Ruku Nambi San Fransico - Mocoa (Ancestral path)

Places of rest

Tambu Turu
Tambu Kawari
Tambu Iacu


An abandonned Tambu in Valle Sibundoy
Atun Rumi
Chiva - A rural icon for self determination
Cuaspa - Amazon architecture in a family context
Cocaine - The cash crop snorting up the forest
The Chicken - When half a bus became vegetarian
Draingage of the Valle Sibundoy - The loss of a cultural material through colonial enviromental politics
El Salado - Sacred hot springs in volcanic lands
Encounter with Taita Domingo
Encounter with Taita Gabriel
Ferreteria - Hardware stores in the South of Colombia
Ganaderia - Cattle farming grazing the rainforest frontier
Hornoyaco - A walk to the waterfalls with Taita Carlos
The island of Taita German
A missing book - The dark history of catholic missions in the Sibundoy valley
Páramo - the water of the Amazon
Path to the petroglyphs - traces of a presence in stone
Qhapaq Ñan - The Inca road system
Regalias - Building with money from Oil companies
Ruku Nambi - The ancestral paths
Taita Serafin jajoy Mujanajinsoy - The story of a guide
Tulpa with a pot on the fire
Visiting a Ambi Wasi in San Andres
Yachai Kuri - a school on an oil well