• 1672m a.sl.
  • 3800 mm/year
  • av. 17°C
  • 1°12'45.6"N 76°46'09.8"W
  • The site is situated at the border of two inga territories, one shared with the camsa community. It's o n top of a slope with a view on the territories. There lies a school for the village near by, partly abandonned.

    View from the high point to the Resguardo on the other side of Rio Mocoa.

    The excisting school buildings on the plateau.

    View over the deep valley of the Rio Mocoa.

    View over the deep valley of the Rio Mocoa.

    Planting steps

    The process of construction is made step by step, for a growing tampu. Some materials are planted at the begining, like the Wasi Panga used for the traditional leave roofs. This palm s takes around 5 years to grown, which gives the time fram between step 1 and step2.

    Step 1 - Repare the roofs

  • 1.1. The three stones of the tulpa are being laid.
  • 1.2. The Asbestos roof is being removed, out of security reasons a helicopter is needed. With the helipcopter we bring the heavy material needed for the later construction like metal components.
  • 1.3. As a replacement for the Asbestos roofs, light and temporary structure are but on top of the excisting buildings.
  • 1.4. The temporary roof has to last between 5-10 years until enough wasi panga leaves have grown in the surrounding to build the later roof. These plants have do be planted in the chagra.
  • The new building in the back and the school with temporary roof in the front

    Step 2 - First wasi panga roof

  • 2.1. When the Wasi Panga is matured, after around 5 years, it can be harvested and used.
  • 2.2. The excisitng ruin has to be cleaned and adjusted before the wood work. Some additional foundations and the staire has to be build.
  • 2.3. The wooden structure works with thin and light elements so 2-3 people can lift every element.
  • 2.4. The weaving of the roof starts.
  • Transversal section

    Detail vie of a wasi panga roof.

    A abandoned Tambu in Valle Sibundoy. The wasi panga roof needs maintanence and lasts around 30 years.

    An image from the Diocesis Mocoa Sibundoy. The pictures shows the main plaza of the village Sibundoy in 1913. The houses express themsleves strongly through the roof form.

    The new build parts add on the excisting to limit the amount of materials which have to be transported

    Step 3 - Under one big wasi panga roof

  • 3.1. A lot of Wasi Panga has to been grown and then harvested.
  • 3.2. The wood is cut from the surrounding forests.
  • 3.3. To treat the iraca fire bowls have been asemebled the can be moved and are being used every week to smoke the roof. This is important to make it last longer
  • 3.4. The planting, growing and harvesting never ends...
  • Longitudinal section and floor plan

    Axonometry of the structure and constrcution methods

    The big roof referrs to the building culture in the region, it follows the landscape.