Cuaspa - Amazon architecture in a family context

Arriving from the caqueta river

We went to visit the Cuaspa family house in Guayuyaco, an Inga resguardo next to the Cáqueta river. To access the house, we took a boat togheter with the students from los Andes University in Bogotá lead by Juliana Ramirez. Once arrived, the father of Sebastián showed us around and gave us a lesson on iraca roofs - the traditional leaf roofs of the Amazon region. Leaf roofs are now often replaced with zinc roofs - as they are quucker to built and last longer. Indeed, leaf roofs takes time to construct: first the palm has to be planted and is harvested five years later. Also, in order for a leaf roof to last a forest clearing has to be made around it and a fire has to be lit everyday under the roof to cure the leave and protect it from insects. But, traditional roof - if built properly can last longer and offer better comfort in the hot and humid climate of the Amazon. It’s also better for sound insulation, as the zinc roof are very noisy during the heavy rains - which are common in this area.

Arriving at the Cuaspa family house

Detail of the Cuaspa Family house

Detail of the Cuaspa Family house

Chagra at the Cuaspa Familiy House