A missing book - The dark history of catholic missions in the Sibundoy valley

School of Sibundoy: Children of settlers and four small kamentsás 'grabbed' from the chagras, 1907.

While in the Sibundoy Valley we had heard several times about Victor Daniel Bonilla's book "Siervos de Dios y Amos de Indios". The book is a crucial document in the indigenous fight against opression. Not only did it serve as a document that denounced the violences inflicted on the indigenous peoples but also served as a document to start a process of decolonisation and reapropriation of culture. We were curious about the book and wanted to read more so we headed to the municipal library of Sibundoy and asked for it. They said that the book was no longer amongst the shelves as someone had stolen it. It was shocking that such an important historical document about the history of the Sibundoy valley could not be found in the local library. Wether it was an act of censure or just missplacement we don't know. Nevertheless it tells the story of a tension which is still present in the Valley.