Regalias - Building with money from Oil companies

Structure of the resguardo la floresta, from outside.

While on the study trip with the Universidad de los Andes we were invited to participate in a minga (a collective work) to build a roof for a kitchen. The minga took place next to a building belonging to the resguardo la floresta. The main building was a large concrete frame, brick infill building with a metal roof. From what I remember the building itself was only the structure. The inside was empty and had not been used for a long time. This building was the product of “Regalias“ (translated as 'royolaties'). Regalias are taxes which are debited from the gains of petrol companies by the regions where they conduct their activities. This money is then redistributed in form of a yearly sum available for local communities to realize projects. The sum is renewed every year and the requests for theese sums have to be handed in before a certain deadline. Even though this way of reinvesting can be positive for the communities we are also critical about the way these projects are planned and executed. As the money is controlled by the state, a lot of restrictions are imposed on the desing and regulation are applied without taking in account the local and climatic conditons of the Amazon region. Often workers from far away Bogotá are sent to realise the construction as many people chose agriculutre over minimum wage works in this region. In this case a lot of effort to build the building was put in but the building does not correspond to the needs of the users. The result is a empty concrete structure left to decay which cannot be maintained by the community. In return, the people prefere to built their own wooden construction next to this empty squelet. This site serves a good example for the potential failure of such projects.

Structure of the resguardo la floresta, from inside.

A casserol used as a sink for the improvised outside kitchen.