We drove up the valley past San Francisco. where the highway is being built. La Variante, The road construction site connecting the Sibundoy Valley and Mocoa. Connecting the Andes with the Amazon. A controvertial project
00:00h / 0km
The start of the walk is where the last section of the Highway has been built. Located on the saddle between Valle Sibundoy and the Rio Mocoa.
00:00h / 0km
Ancestral Paths - The path has a history reaching long before colonial times.The path was used as a trade and communication route by indigenous peoples before Monks and Conquistadores used the path on the search for the El Dorado.
Several catholic shrines are along the path. They are a testimony of the periles of the path
00:30h / 3km
00:53h / 5km
A small village appears in the dark, street lights show points in the endless darkness. In the village the path is made out of concrete slabs. A road which facilitates transport by motorcycle.
01:43h / 8,2km
Crossing the river La Susuunga over a concrete bridge.
01:52h / 9km
View on Río Patoyaco and its extensive gravel riverbed. The size of the rocks indicates the strength of the rivers that flow down the steep valleys.
02:02h / 9,2km
After walking a couple of hours we still see cattle farms on the mountain slope.
02:16h / 10km
Tambu Kawari

Kawari means panoramic view in Inga. From the site you can see both the Kamentsa resguardo and the Kamentsa-Inga resguardo. On the plateau are two school buildings and a ruin. The school is called Escuela Minchoy. If the path is to be used as a space of the pluriversity we imagine the school could be used as a base onto which to build places of rest for future students walking along the path.

02:25h / 10,3km
Landslides are a common sight in this steep landscape. Cattle farming, Illegal deforestation and Mining are catalysts for this phenomenon. While crossing the landslides every wrongly placed step could lead to a fall into the abyss
After a small creek we entered the legal resguardo of San Fransico. It is shared between the Kamentsa and Inga.
02:25h / 10,5km
Another Catholic wayshrine
02:27h / 11km
We crossed paths with two men leading a caravan of horses out of the forest. The horses carried logs of about three meters, one on each side on their backs. A reminder of the financial situation in theese regions where the men will adventure themselves down theese dreading paths to extract precious hardwoods
02:50h / 12km
A bridge over a creek coming from the steep mountains on the right. The excisting bridge is a light supended wood bridge with a roof, but unforntunatly broken. We take the simple but efficient structure of the bridge as inspiration to design a new one.
03:11h / 13km
In parts the path is showing its long history, the vegetation is hinting toward the compacted soil on which generations walked before the parallel road was built in the 1940s.
05:48h / 20km
After a long morning of contiinues walking we have a pause at a creek where a landslide wiped out the path and left a clearing.
07:05h / 24km
A Camp of woodcutters or workers of the electricline
07:18h / 25,5km // 11:13h / 31km
The path split into two paths. One was following the same height line and another was going down. We knew we had to walk down towards the river so we chose the second option. We were wrong. Four hours later we would be back at this point.
13:30h / 35km
Tambu Iacu

After getting lost we finally reached the river where we were supposed to be shortly after midday. We unpacked the food supplies and had the first proper break of the walk. 45 minutes. Serafin told us how last time he had walked the path they had spent the night here. This is where we would imagine the second refuge along the path. Tambu Iacu. Iacu means water as in this river we had filled our bottles of water in the river Tortues.

back to 11:13h
As we walked downwards on the ridge of the mountain the path got slimmer and slimmer untill it almost disappeared. The path ended at the edge of a cliff. Here we noticed we walked down the wrong path.
14:00h / 36km
In the dark we crossend a lot of landslides where we climbed over trees and through the mud. On the fresh landslides the path can be stabilized with logs from the fallen trees through pilling them in the mud. Over time they rot and the roots of the regrown vegetation takes over.
18:00h / 41km
After walking around 4 hours in the dark friends waited for us with flashlights and some food. Also a dog accomanied us from here for the rest of the path.
20:00h / 45km
The path follows the steep slope of the mountain. Again and again entering valleys to cross greeks.
20:30h / 46km
The Canadian company Libero Copper is planning to start a copper mine across the river in the valley of the path.
21:30h / 48km
The path opens and we see the sky of the night. The moon phases give the rythm for planting and harvesting in the Inga culture.
22:00 / 49km
Miguel Triana a civil engineer walked through this mountains in 1906 to figure out where to built a road. Under gunpoint he forced a indigenous person to guide him
22:00 / 49km
Miguel Triana a civil engineer walked through this mountains in 1906 to figure out where to built a road. Under gunpoint he forced a indigenous person to guide him
24:00h / 52km
At 4 in the morning we arrive at the gate of the highway construction site. This is as far as a car can go today into the valley of Rio Mocoa.